Nach ihrer Erzaehlung hat der Philosoph Platon die Frage gestellt, was sind 7 Tugenden im Leben? Nach seiner Meinung sind die wichtigsten Tugenden im Leben,
1. Liebe
2. Hoffnung
3. Glaube
4. Gerechtigkeit
5. Tapferkeit
6. Maessigung(nicht viel, nicht wenig, ausgeglichen)
7. Weisheit.
I voted in the Bavarian National Museum, the collection of Bollert seen. The pictures were very religious and a bit grim. An art historian has made a guided tour. They had good knowledge about the hidden meaning of images. After her story, the philosopher Plato asked the question, what are 7 virtues in life? In his opinion, the most important virtues in life, 1. Love 2. Hope 3. Faith 4. Justice 5. Bravery 6. Moderate (not much, not little, balanced) 7. Wisdom.
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